Recent research performed at Oxboro Family Chiropractic focused on treating acute concussion symptoms with chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture. In this study, the patient was having daily symptoms of headache, pain, dizziness, and shooting pain into the arms. The symptoms were intense enough to be effecting the patient's daily activities, including work.
Treatment consisted of chiropractic adjustments, trigger point therapy of the neck and upper back musculature, and acupuncture localized in the shoulders, upper back, neck, head, and feet. The patient's symptoms fully resolved after 8 treatments over 2.5 weeks and remained resolved at the time of a follow-up exam 2 months later.
This study suggests that chiropractic adjustments, muscle therapy, and acupuncture can be a successful treatment method to quickly reduce, if not resolve, concussion symptoms. For more information about this study and if this treatment is right for you, contact our office.
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