Wednesday, November 21, 2018



Thanksgiving is a time to surround yourself with loved ones, indulge in delicious food and be thankful. To avoid overindulgence, feeling uncomfortable for hours after eating and remain stress free, use these tips to take control of Thanksgiving. 

Don't forget some exercise this Thanksgiving. Whether it's in the morning or in the afternoon your body will appreciate it. Try taking a walk in the morning before all the madness begins or do an after dinner walk with your family or a friends. Either way make time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Since Minnesota can be quite chilly this time of year, make sure to bundle up and dress appropriately. 

Eat breakfast. Fasting in order to save room for Thanksgiving dinner can lead to overeating. Hydrate to dominate. Check in with yourself throughout the day and make sure you are staying hydrated. Don't go crazy with appetizers! Make sure the appetizers you are eating are in moderation. This ensures that you have enough room for dinner! Also try using a smaller plate, this helps with portion control and avoiding over eating. Try chewing slowly and listening to your body when it is full. Wait a minute or so before going up for seconds to let your body tell you when enough is enough. Don't stress over food. It is Thanksgiving and it is okay to indulge yourself every once in a while but if you do indulge, don't punish yourself. 

Lastly, enjoy yourself! We all know the holidays can be stressful but they don't have to be that way. Anytime you are feeling a little too stressed take a step back, take some deep breaths and remind yourself what the holidays are really about. Make sure to give yourself enough time. No one likes to rush. Plan out what you want your morning to look like and try to stick to that schedule. Also get enough sleep the night before. Enough sleep will not only help control your appetite on Thanksgiving but also ensure you have enough energy to last the whole day! Finally, enjoy meaningful conversations and interactions with friends and family you don't see every day. Enjoy your time with your friends and family and be grateful. 

To learn more ways to keep your family healthy and happy visit our website at

By: Julia Jacobson, Office Manager

Oxboro Family Chiropractic, P.A.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Benefits of Yoga

With the holidays just around the corner, this time of year can be stressful. With events for family and friends every weekend until January it can be hard to find time to decompress. Make time for yourself this holiday season and give yoga a try! 

Yoga has significant physical and mental health benefits. Some of the physical benefits of yoga include increased flexibility and balance, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration and increased energy. All of these things can help reduce the risk of falls in the elderly. Yoga can also help with weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health and improved athletic performance. According to health line, studies show that yoga may reduce inflammatory markers in the body and help prevent pro-inflammatory diseases. Health line also says that in combination with a healthy lifestyle, yoga may help decrease the risk of heart disease.

In addition to all the wonderful physical benefits that yoga offers there are substantial mental benefits as well. Yoga is a great way to manage stress. The American Osteopathic Association says that “Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate,” says Dr. Nevins. “Yoga can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life”. Yoga has been shown to ease stress and lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Several other studies have also shown that yoga is a safe and effective way to relieve anxiety, depression and promote healthy sleep patterns. 

So if this holiday season you are feeling a little stressed give yoga a try! To find out more ways to keep your family healthy and happy visit our website at 

By: Julia Jacobson, Office Manager
Oxboro Family Chiropractic, P.A. 


Wednesday, November 7, 2018


The American Heart Association suggests that we should consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber from food a day. Yet in the United States, most Americans only consume an average of 15 grams a day. According to the University of California San Francisco "A high-fiber diet appears to reduce the risk of developing various conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease, constipation and colon cancer".  Fiber can also aid in lowering cholesterol and maintaining the health of the digestive system.

Unlike some of the other health trends, increasing your fiber intake is easy! You can get fiber from a variety of foods including grains and cereals. Generally try to include one serving of whole grain in every meal. When picking out bread and cereals look at the labels and choose the ones with the highest fiber content per serving. Also try making the switch in your kitchen at home. Cook and bake with whole wheat flour or use brown rice instead of white.

Another great source of fiber is legumes and beans. Though this switch may be tricky for picky eaters, it is well worth it! Beans and legumes are packed full of plant protein, fiber, vitamin B, iron, folate, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. In addition to being full of nutrients they are also low in calories. The U.S. National Library of Medicine also says that "Eating more legumes as part of a healthy diet can help lower blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate and other heart disease and diabetes risks". Try substituting legumes and beans for meat in a few meals a week and try new recipes that include our high fiber friends.   

Fruits and vegetables are also a good high fiber addition to your diet. This one is easier. The recommendation is eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Aim for fresh fruits and vegetables when possible. Try to eat fruit for dessert or eat an apple in place of sugary juices. Add fresh fruit to your morning cereal or oatmeal. Put veggies in with your whole grain pasta or use riced cauliflower instead of starchy potatoes. Use trial and error to find out what works for you and your family. Either way eat more fruits, veggies, beans and whole grains and your body and mind will appreciate it!

To learn more ways to keep you and your family happy and healthy, visit our website at  

By: Julia Jacobson
Office Manager
