Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Living a Happy and Healthy Life

We all strive to live a happy and healthy life, yet many of us struggle to accomplish one or both of these goals. Instead of setting large, unattainable goals, try to focus on making small choices that can improve your likelihood of attaining these goals and achieving a greater overall well-being. A functional-medicine pioneer sums up six elements to a happy and healthy life!

Eat using the perfect plate method. We know this sounds simple but this is often a big struggle for many people. Using the perfect plate, as described my Frank Lipman, M.D., helps you focus more on eating healthier foods rather than counting individual calories, prompting us to focus on quality over quantity. Lipman breaks the plate into 50 to 70 percent non-starchy vegetables, 10 to 15 percent best-quality proteins and 20 to 30 percent healthy fats. Focusing on these foods will help reduce the consumption of the starchy, sugary foods that promote inflammation and weight gain. This element goes hand in hand with another suggestion made by Lipman, address your toxic burden. We are surrounded by environmental stressors that our bodies have to expel each day. These include GMOs, carcinogenic compounds, chemical additives, to foods, healthcare products or personal care items, etc. Lipman suggests to avoid GMOs, educate yourself about what is healthy versus unhealthy and dismiss the doubters of what you want to achieve. 

Become active! Our bodies were designed to move and moving helps to keep our joints well lubricated and healthy. Moving helps to produce proteins called myokines that fight disease and reduce inflammation. It also strengthens the most important muscle in our bodies, our hearts! Take a 5 minute break from work to walk around and stretch or go for walk at lunch.

Get good sleep. The glympathic system, similar to the lymphatic system, is a system within the central nervous system that helps to keep your brain clear and healthy. The glymphatic system works by removing excessive proteins, byproducts of normal neurological functions, that have been linked to the loss of neurological function. The glymphatic system works while we are sleeping, allowing our bodies to rid themselves of toxic overload. If you have an out-of-sync sleep schedule here are some suggestions to improve your sleep cycle. Dr. Lipman recommends good light exposure in the morning by walking outside as our internal clocks are sensitive to the energizing effects of light. Getting outside regularly throughout the day for a few minutes also helps to improve alertness our circadian rhythms. As the evening progresses limit your exposure to artificial light as you prepare to sleep.

"Unwind: Use your breath as a pathway to peace". Stress is a large topic of many of our lives. Unwind by taking a break from social media and get away from the internet. Take time throughout the day to take deep breaths to help clear our minds and relax. Belly breathing or the 4-7-8 breathing methods help you to relax by focusing on breathing rather than your surroundings. To use these proper techniques refer to the attached link: https://experiencelife.com/article/6-keys-to-a-happy-and-healthy-life/.

Lastly, connect and practice appreciation for your fellow beings. We all enjoy a good compliment and healthy relationships, and so do our peers. Perform random acts of kindness like giving compliments, smiling, listening closely to whomever you are talking to, help strangers, etc. These acts help us to become more connected and relaxed, creating a healthier you and environment! To find out more ways to keep yourself healthy, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com.