Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Staying Healthy during the Flu Season

It's that time of year again when we begin to prepare for the flu season. According to the Centers of Disease Control (CDC), the 2017-2018 flu season was one of the worst seasons we have seen in years. This year take the proper precautions and steps to help reduce the risk of contracting the flu and spreading the virus.

Wash your hands often and thoroughly! Washing your hands is the best way to prevent against colds, the flu and other respiratory infections that we commonly see. Rinsing your hands under warm water will help to free germs from your skin. When you add soap to the mix, the soap will trap the germs that have been released from your skin and be rinsed down the drain. As a rule of thumb wash your hands for about 20 seconds each time. It is also recommended to wash your hands before eating, after using the restroom, after touching desks or railings, before bed and especially if you come in contact with someone that has the flu or cold.

Supplement with vitamin D3, this is especially important in the Midwest, or northern states where we see less sunlight in the winter months. The sun is a good source of Vitamin D and it is recommended to spend at least 15 minutes per day in the sun, however that is a difficult task in the cold and cloudy months. According to Webmd, the recommended daily amount (RDA) for Vitamin D is 600 IU per day for persons older than 1 year of age (age 71+ RDA is 800 IU per day), and the maximum safe level of intake is 2,500-4,000 IU depending on your age.

Vitamin D helps to improve the immune system by reducing levels of inflammatory proteins throughout the body and by increasing natural antibiotics within the body. According to The Vitamin Council, "There are two branches of the immune system: adaptive and innate. The adaptive immune system develops based on previous exposure to a virus. The innate immune system responds quickly to foreign invaders, and its effectiveness is determined by the levels of immune cells and proteins an individual has. Low vitamin D levels result in some aspects of the innate immune system not functioning as well as they should." Additional vitamins or minerals to help prevent or reduce the severity of the flu include vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and a vitamin B complex. It is also very important to drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated when fighting off the flu or a cold.

Getting regular chiropractic adjustments also helps to boost the immune system during the flu season. Like vitamin D, chiropractic adjustments help to reduce inflammation within the body and restore the body's innate to help fight off infections or disease. When the body does not have the proper nerve supply to every tissue, muscle, cell and organ throughout the body, there will be additional stress throughout the body. This additional stress can dampen the immune system and the body's ability to fight disease.

Another tool to use in the fight against the flu is a humidifier. A 2009 study by the National Academy of Science found that flu germs spread and thrive in dry air conditions. When you keep the humidity level between 45% and 50% this helps curb the spread of germs. A humidifier also helps you breathe easier by moisturizing you nose, throat and lungs making it easier for air to pass though. By easing your airways this can help you get the rest you need to fight off any nasty bugs.  

Epsom salt baths can also help when you feel a flu or cold begin. Soaking in Epsom salt aids in the bodies recovery, helps detoxify, ease aches and also increases your white blood cell count. Taking a hot bath also relaxes and calms the body against any body aches that come along with having the flu. A hot bath is also an effective way to loosen any mucus and assists in breathing easier. Epsom salt is very affordable and you can find it at pretty much any grocery store or super market. 

For more ways to keep your family happy and healthy, visit our website at and check out the links below!

By: Dr. Travis Klug, D.C.
Julia Jacobson, Office Manager 
Oxboro Family Chiropractic, P.A.
