Tuesday, January 8, 2019

New Year's Resolutions

It's a new year and often times this means a new you! Many people around the world look to improve themselves and their lifestyles by creating attainable and reasonable goals. Here are a few suggestions when carrying out a new year's resolution. 

Write down your goal or resolution. According to recent studies, those that write down goals are ten times more likely to achieve their goals than those who did not write them down. Research after research demonstrates this phenomenon. One way to write down your goals is to put them on post-it notes and place them in areas where you go every day. An example is to write down the goal and attach the post-it note to the bathroom mirror. This way when you get up in the morning, one of the very first things you see or read is your goal. This is a great way to have a daily reminder of what you want to achieve. 

Start small. Do not create goals that seem impossible to reach or are too difficult to attain. A goal needs to be within reach otherwise it can become discouraging and even create a more unhealthy lifestyle. For example, if you have a goal to begin working out this year, do not start out by working our 6 or 7 days per week. Instead, begin by working out 2 to 3 days per week to establish a schedule a motivation. If you continue to succeed, then add a couple more days and a little more time to your workouts as you feel fit. This creates positive re-enforcement and motivation to continue your resolution. 

Create a support group. Everyone has heard the saying "two are better than one" or "there are strength in numbers". This is ever so important when setting new year's resolutions. When we begin a new routine often times we become worn out or have less energy. As this happens it makes it more difficult to continue what you started. When you have another person, or other people, that are looking to achieve similar goals it can create accountability and positive re-enforcement. 

Reward yourself as you go. If eating healthier foods is your new year's resolution, obviously focus on cutting out unhealthy foods, but also reward yourself with little "treats" as you move forward in your goal. As previously mentioned, goals need to be attainable. If you have a hard time staying away from sweets it can be very difficult to cut them out entirely. So instead, as you continue to improve your eating habits, give yourself a treat every couple of days. As time progresses your desire to eat unhealthy foods will continue to diminish and this will make it much easier to follow through with your resolution!   

To learn more ways to keep you and your family happy and healthy, visit our website at oxborochiro.com. 

By: Travis L. Klug, D.C.
