Thursday, August 17, 2017


Amanda MacMillian describes in her article titled, "It's Official: Happiness Really Can Improve Health", about the benefits that happiness can bring to all aspects of health. A comprehensive review that detailed information from 20 literature reviews and more than 150 studies was published that discussed how people evaluated areas of their lives and aspects of their physical health. One of the lead authors of the review, Edward Diener, states that there is "almost no doubt" that happiness can influence one's health. He suggests it may be because those who are happy are more likely to take better care of themselves and choose healthy habits like exercising, eating well and getting enough sleep at night. Happiness has been found to have positive effects on the body in regards to the immune and cardiovascular system, amounts of inflammation and improving wound healing. Happiness has also been associated with increasing the length of telomeres which appear at the end of chromosomes that typically shorten as one ages. 

Evidence is strong enough that happiness seems to be linked to health for some, but not always for others. It is not always a guarantee that if you are happy, you will have better health. In 2015 research based on one million women, happiness had been found to not have an effect on mortality rates when researchers considered self-reported health. This is why Diener wanted to complete a more research to defend how happiness could affect health. He is hoping through this research that doctors will continue to start monitoring positive emotions during physicals, not solely negatives ones. Diener states that learning to enjoy work, increasing gratefulness and having postivie relationships are important for achieving true happiness. To find out more ways to keep yourself healthy, please visit our website at 
