Saturday, August 12, 2017

Healthy Diet Tips

There are many diet trends that have been deemed the best ways of eating, but it is important to choose one that is truly healthy. Cynthia Sass, who is a registered dietician, writes in her article titled, “Why Going Vegetarian Isn’t Always Healthier” about the trend of going vegetarian and ways to make it healthier. Sass states that she is concerned about plant-based foods such as snack chips, cereals and fake bacon, that are becoming highly processed. Many of these plant-based foods are being stripped of their nutrients and additives are being included. A study looked at the effects of eating these types of plant-based foods and showed that they can raise someone’s risk of developing heart disease. The study did show that vegetarian diets are typically linked with a decreased risk of heart disease, but it does matter what types of food are being consumed. Those that consumed whole plant-based foods were found to have a lower risk, while those who ate highly processed plant-based foods were at increased risk of heart disease. 

Here are some tips that will help you to consume more plant-based foods that are healthy. Two cups of fresh fruit and five cups of vegetables should be eaten every day. Whole grains such as oats, quinoa, brown/white rice should be chosen over refined grains like white bread. Although whole grains are healthy, it is important to not overdo it. Meatless meals that provide healthy proteins should include “pulses” which are beans, lentil, peas and chickpeas. Fats that are included in a vegetarian diet should include avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, and nut butters. If the above foods are included into a vegetarian diet, it will help increase fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and prebiotics. Even if you want to consume a treat, it is critical that whole foods are the main part of any type of diet to keep your heart and body healthy. To find out more ways to keep yourself and family healthy, please visit our website at