Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Healthy Airport Snacks

The article “11 Things Nutritionist Eat at the Airport- and 4 They Avoid” discusses various healthy snacks to eat when spending time at the airport. It is easy to indulge in unhealthy temptations, but these habits can cause stomach issues or sugar crashes, according to Ginger Hultin, a RDN. When eating at the airport, it can actually be beneficial to bring items from home. Autumn Ehsaei, RDN, suggests bringing snap peas, mandarins, raw nuts, and trail mix. Within airports though, there are usually options for fresh fruits and vegetables. These items can provide fiber, water, and feelings of energy. 

Another snack that is healthy to eat while spending time in the airport is yogurt. Full fat yogurt can assist with keeping you full and for metabolism. If the yogurt is not full fat, Sydney Greene, RD, suggests grabbing a bag of raw nuts or a packet of nut butter. Not all yogurts are healthy choices though, especially given their sugar content, so it is important to look at the nutrition label. If you are craving something sweet, dark chocolate can be a nice option. It is filled with antioxidants and is best when it is at least 70-80% cocoa. Smoothies are a healthy airport snack because they are typically not filled with many calories. One tip from a naturopathic doctor, Luisa Szakacs, is to avoid ones with a “smoothie blend” because of the unnatural ingredients it can contain. If the ingredients include “natural flavorings” that is also something to avoid in smoothies. Nuts and seeds can provide protein, fat, and fiber for flights. Sodium intake should be monitored so unsalted nuts and seeds may be the best option when consuming this snack. Although nuts have many healthy components, they are high in fat and calories so portion control should be exercised. Other healthy protein sources that can keep you full at the airport include hard boiled eggs, chicken, and hummus.

Oatmeal is a snack that can keep you full during a flight due to the fiber it contains. Protein bars should have less than 10 grams of sugar and few ingredients. Salads are a healthy option for a meal at the airport. Some ingredients to avoid in salads include creamy dressings and crunchy noodles. Salads that contain vegetables, protein, beans, and dressing on the side are some of the best options. 

Each nutritionist that was interviewed for the article suggested drinking plenty of water because of the dehydration effect that flying can have. It is best to start the day with plenty of water and when in the airport bring a reusable bottle or buy a plastic one that you can refill often during the flight. Some foods to avoid while in flight include ones you are not used to, or high-risk options that may potentially lead to foodborne illnesses such as buffets, mayo-based or creamy salads, and raw seafood. Additional foods that should be avoided are ones that are salty such as chips and crackers and sugary foods that may lead to feelings of irritability and low energy. 

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