Thursday, April 19, 2018

Intelligence and Emotions

Erin Gabriel writes in her article titled “Can you Improve Your Emotional Intelligence?” about the importance of being able to sense and manage feelings and emotions in ourselves and others. Having emotional intelligence allows someone to understand, express, and manage emotions. Many people tend to overestimate their emotional intelligence according to the director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Marc Brackett. Emotional intelligence can predict things such as health, happiness, and success. In 1990, the theory of emotional intelligence was developed at Yale and University of New Hampshire. Robin Stern, the associate director for the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, explains that emotional intelligence is being informed about your feelings, how to use emotions to inform thinking and using your thinking to inform your emotions. Some personality traits for those with emotional intelligence include empathy, seeing others viewpoints, being resilient, and pursuing goals even with challenges. Brackett states that people who possess emotional intelligence are typically healthier, happier, and more effective. Emotional intelligence has actually been proven to be a better indicator of success in careers than a high IQ score or an impressive resume. Emotional intelligence can be measured using self-assessment tools. 

There are several ways to increase emotional intelligence. Children can develop emotional intelligence at an early age by recognizing their emotions, figuring out what they mean, and label them so they can manage them themselves. For adults, an action plan can be implemented in order to improve emotional intelligence. If you want to learn to control your anger some activities that may be useful are yoga, meditation, or boxing. It is important to learn new perspectives through being around others who have different thoughts than you. This can be done by taking active steps to be around new people. When facing a challenging situation, it can be beneficial to pause, slow down, and take a deep breath in order to gain greater control. Positive self-talk is another important strategy for gaining greater emotional intelligence because it can assist with our health. Oftentimes, we would never talk to others the way that we speak to ourselves. Emotional intelligence can assist people in becoming healthier in their emotions and when working with others. To find out more ways to keep yourself healthy, please visit our website at