Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tips to Prevent Injuries While Skiing or Snowboarding

Tips to Prevent Injuries While Skiing or Snowboarding
Most injuries can be prevented with proper warm techniques, properly fitting equipment, and knowing proper skiing techniques.  Often times fatigue following a long day of skiing as well as bad judgments can also be blamed for mistakes that cause injuries.  Here are a few tips to help avoid possible injuries:

1.  Proper Instruction:  Instruction from professionals can help educate snowboarders or skiers on correct warm up and cool down techniques, how to properly fit the equipment to the individual, and proper skiing etiquette and techniques.

2.  Appropriate equipment:  Equipment that is not fit appropriately such as bindings that are too tight or too loose can cause upper and lower leg injuries if used on rough terrain.  Protective equipment such as helmets, wrist guards, knee pads, and even hockey breezers can also help prevent both bone and soft tissue injuries.

3.  Awareness:  Most injuries occur after lunch and/or when fatigued.  Remaining hydrated as well as taking periodic breaks can help to keep the body and mind refreshed so the proper skiing or snowboarding techniques are performed.

Most injuries can be prevented but with any sport there is always a chance there will be a spill or possibly  injuries.  Some sporting injuries can include inflammation of the muscles, aches and pains to the spine and extremities, and a decrease in range of motion from tight muscles.  These types of injuries are treatable with chiropractic care.  Chiropractic adjustments to the spine or extremities along with soft tissue work and stretches will help you get back on the slopes quickly.


For more information visit our website at:

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Frozen Shoulder Facts and Treatment

It's cold outside, but for some of us the freeze isn't just out in the snow.  It's in our bodies, or more specifically, in our shoulders.

Frozen shoulder is a term used to describe a loss in range of motion of the shoulder joint.  Injuries to the shoulder can cause inflammation within the joint capsule resulting in thickening and shortening of the soft tissue.   Frozen shoulder usually progresses through three stages.  

The first stage is the freezing stage in which range of motion is slightly limited.  This stage may or may not involve pain, but usually is painful if the person tries to surpass the restricted movement.  The next stage is the frozen stage where all types of range of motion are greatly restricted.  Usually there is no pain at this stage due to the limited mobility.  The third stage is the recovery or thawing stage.  This is where seeking chiropractic care can help to regain the range of motion back into the shoulder.  

Chiropractic care usually consists of a combination of shoulder adjustments, trigger point therapy, soft tissue therapies, and range of motion stretches/exercises.  The recovery period can vary depending on how long the problem has been going on and how limited the range of motion has become.  The best way to prevent a frozen shoulder from forming is early treatment, so if you are suffering from a combination of shoulder pain and decreased range of motion see your chiropractor right away.

For more information go to our website:

Friday, December 4, 2015

De-Stress the Holidays

Winter can be a difficult time of year.  Not only with the snow, ice, and frigid temperatures, but the hustle and bustle of the holidays can leave you feeling stressed, tense, and achy.  Kick the stress by making time for yourself.  Whether it's a few quiet minutes of meditation, reading a chapter in your book, sipping a delicious warm beverage, or giving yourself the spa treatment, be sure to unwind.
And if you're still stressing, make at least one thing easier.  Get that difficult someone on your list a massage :)