Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ways to Increase Energy Throughout the Day

Oftentimes energy levels can dip throughout the day due to food or drink choices. Julie Kendrick gives some suggestions on how to avoid these crashes during the day in her article titled " 5 Energy Traps (and How to Avoid Them)". 

If you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted there are a few tips for increasing your energy to sustain you through the day. One reason that your energy may be low in the morning is due to dehydration since liquids haven't been consumed overnight. You may choose to start your day with water and when choosing breakfast avoid refined sugar and carbohydrates because of the changing cycles of energy they cause due to blood sugar spikes and falls. Some healthier breakfast options that will help you avoid blood sugar spikes are eggs, steel-cut oats with berries, whole milk and nuts. If you choose to make a smoothie in the morning add protein filled products such as protein powder, yogurt or almond butter. For added fiber to keep you full use kale, spinach or parsley. Coconut oil and avocados are a great option for adding healthy fats into your diet.

If you feel drowsy midmorning it could be caused by a blood sugar drop- instead of grabbing more sugar, caffeine or carbohydrates choose protein or fiber filled foods. Some healthy options are almond butter, nuts, vegetables and hummus. These slow digesting foods will help you to feel full for a longer period of time. 

Typically, cortisol levels will drop between 1 and 3 pm causing tiredness. If your lunches are typically low in protein and fiber, you will likely feel lethargic. You can try having a lunch that contains healthy fats, protein and fiber. Feeding your gut bacteria will cause a change in energy levels, and you can increase good bacteria in the gut by adding items such as yogurts with live cultures, dill pickles or other fermented vegetables. 

After work you may feel lethargic due to the length of time between lunch and dinner. It can be a perfect set-up for mindless snacking. It is helpful to drink a glass of water right when you get home to help your body restore itself. If you are unable to wait until dinner to eat, try snacking on items like nuts, avocados or seeds to stabilize blood sugar and energy. 

Before bed it may be easy to give into cravings for poor food choices. If food is eaten right before bed, your blood sugar will spike and your body will then need to start the cycle of digestion. This could cause a rise in cortisol which would interfere with the ability to sleep well at night. Take the time before you grab a snack before bed to see if you truly are hungry. If you are, try a small protein shake, cottage cheese or a small banana with almond butter. If you aren't hungry, find another way to calm down and rest before bed by meditating, journaling or talking to a loved one. 

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Importance of Good Posture

Good posture is critical to maintaining overall health. According to the article titled “The Heath Benefits of Good Postures” there are numerous benefits to actively improving your posture. 

To check to see if you have correct posture when standing make sure you are naturally lengthening your body and not arching your back. Your chin, jaw and knees should be relaxed while opening your chest and shoulders. Lean slightly forward on the balls of your feet and relax your arms while standing. When displaying good posture your spine should be neutral and relaxed. 

To further improve your posture, make sure you are moving throughout the day, especially if you work at a desk most of the day. If you are working at a desk, you can try sitting on an exercise ball to decrease the chances of your muscles locking up. An exercise routine can greatly improve your posture, too. Tai Chi or Yoga is a wonderful way to increase body awareness and movement. Relaxation is critical for reducing tension throughout the body, and this can be done through swimming or massage. 

The benefits of good posture are endless. Digestion and breathing can be improved through practicing good posture everyday by keeping the rib cage at the correct upright height which will allow the digestive system and respiratory system to fully open to work more effectively. Good posture can prevent future back problems and reduce tension throughout the entire body. Since muscles lose tone and function throughout the years, proper posture can aid muscles in working more efficiently and can help strengthen stomach and back muscles. Another additional benefit to improving posture is increased concentration and confidence. Chiropractic care can help greatly help with posture. Call us today to schedule your next appointment!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Benefits of Connecting with Others

Studies show that connecting with friends and family can help improve your physical and mental health according to Angela Troyer in her article titled "The Health Benefits of Socializing". One of the benefits that come from socializing with others include improved mental health. When we interact with others, it increases positive feelings thus diminishing depressive symptoms. Other mental health benefits to socializing with others include reducing the risk of developing dementia. Those that have strong social ties with others have been found to develop dementia at a lesser rate. There are increased memory and cognitive abilities for those keeping up their socializing, too. Your physical health can benefit from social interactions by increasing your immune system. When the immune system is strengthened it may make it easier to fend off the flu, colds or even various types of cancer. One of the biggest benefits found when people have active social lives is that they typically live longer than those that tend to isolate themselves. 

There are many ways to increase your opportunities to expand your social circle and connect with others. You can participate in a community group that focuses on hobbies or sports. Many libraries or recreation centers will offer classes that will create opportunities for meeting new people. You can invite friends or family over for a meal and even play a group game or sport after that. Find a friend to workout with or visit various sites around your city. All of these ideas and more can help increase your social life and benefit your health for the long-term. 


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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Benefits of Green Tea

According to Meera Senthilingham in her 2016 article "Can Green Tea Boost Your Brainpower and Treat Disease?" green tea has been long used in Chinese medicine as a way to cure certain ailments. Green tea has recently been found to promote health and decrease conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer or even Alzheimer's disease. The component in green tea that has a particular affect on the body is EGCG, which helps brain function. In a study done in 2014 observing the effects of green tea extract it was found that the areas of the brain connected with the working memory saw increased connectivity and thus aided in increasing memory when the extract was inhaled nasally. The plasticity changes in the brain could help improve symptoms associated with dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Down Syndrome. 

In a study focusing on Down Syndrome specifically participants were given EGCG in a pill form. When researchers compared the placebo and control group, those receiving the EGCG saw improvements for connections in the brain via nerve cells and language related areas of the brain. Participants also experienced improvements in visual memory and had improved ability to make plans or calculations. From this study, researchers were able to see the potential benefits of using EGCG in those with Down Syndrome. Researchers recognize that there needs to be more studies done to further investigate and solidify the benefits of EGCG. Researchers are hoping to do further studies using a larger amount of participants and include children in their work. Overall, EGCG may help protect the brain with certain diseases. 


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