Tuesday, December 27, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

As 2016 comes to an end, many are beginning to think ahead to what resolutions they want to make in 2017. In the article titled, “7 Secrets of People Who Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions” by Kevin Kruse he discusses ways to achieve new year's resolutions.Research has shown that only 8 percent of people who make new year’s resolutions will keep them. The author of the article interviews Dr. Paul Marciano and discusses 7 ways to achieve goals for 2017. Dr. Marciano suggests first to make sure any goals are specific. He suggests using the SMART goals system which entails that goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Your new year’s resolutions should be measured by the amount of progress you are obtaining towards your goals. Measuring your progress will help you adjust your efforts and be a source of motivation when you reflect on where you are at. 

Sharing your resolutions with friends and family can allow for social support that can help you to achieve your goals. A suggestion is to have an “accountability partner" that can check in with you periodically to see how your progress is going. Another way to achieve your resolutions is to make sure you have time set apart to work on your goals. Dr. Marciano states that it is best to put it in your calendar. Dr. Marciano states that something is better than nothing especially if it pertains to food or exercise related goals. For example, if you have a goal to workout one hour a day but can only do 20 minutes it is best to what you can and not skip it all together. Being resilient when it comes to new year’s resolutions is an important skill. If you don’t meet your goal one day, acknowledge what happened and recommit to the steps needed to meet your goal. If you follow these 7 steps, hopefully it will help you to reach your goals for 2017! 

Please visit our website www.oxborochiro.com to find out more ways to stay healthy in the new year! We hope you have a wonderful start to 2017.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Chiropractic Care

There are multiple benefits for seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis. Chiropractic treatments can be used for a wide range of people from infants to senior citizems to improve overall health. In a study done in 2012, it was found that spinal manipulations performed by chiropractors were more beneficial than mediciations for acute neck pain. Another study completed in 2013 showed that patients who suffered from neck pain showed more improvement with chiropractic visits and paid less overall for their treatment. Chiropractic treatments can save more than 50 percent in drug costs in some circumstances.

Typically, chiropractic care can help treat the root cause of an issue rather than just treating symptoms. Treatments can help with acute injuries, and it is also important to maintain ongoing treatments to prevent future injuries. If you find yourself in a work injury or auto accident, chiropractic care can help injuries sustained from these situations. Massage therapy is a beneficial complementary therapy to chiropractic care and typically the massage therapist and chiropractor can work together to find a treatment plan that is most beneficial for the patient. Chiropractic treatments are less invasive than surgery and typically patients report few, if any, side effects. Adjustments can help improve your posture by aligning the spine. Oftentimes, neck pain can be caused by sitting at a computer desk or tilting your head forward to look at a phone. When poor posture becomes predominant in daily life, the pressure put on the neck can increase to ten pounds per inch that someone is out of the correct posture. Chiropractors focus on the body as a whole rather than certain areas of the body, which brings a more holistic approach to overall health. 

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of chiropractic care, please visit our website www.oxborochiro.com.

Source: https://paindoctor.com/benefits-of-chiropractic-care/

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


As winter approaches, the amount of sun we receive on a daily basis dramatically decreases. In the article titled, "15 Reason Why the Sun is Good for You and Its Importance" discusses the importance of spending time in the sun. An adequate amount of sun has been shown to reduce the risk of some cancers and other conditions. We receive about 90-95 percent of our vitamin D from the sun. Professor Michael Holick suggests going out in the sun for 5-15 minutes a day at least three times a week. You can increase your vitamin D by eating items such as salmon, tuna, milk, eggs and fortified cereals. Here are a list of the ways that sun can help increase your overall health:

1) The sun boosts levels of serotonin in the body, which can help you increase happiness and energy. Sun can reduce depression, especially if it is combined with outdoor activity such as walking. Sunshine can help stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a type of depression that can develop in winter due to lack of sunlight. 

2) The sun can help reduce cholesterol and heart disease.

3) Vitamin D could help deter the onset of diabetes in some. Vitamin D definiciency can contribute to Type II diabetes development. 

4) The sun can reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis later in life. It has been shown that those that live in sunnier countries have less incidence of multiple sclerosis. 

5) Sun can help keep teeth strong and reduce the incidences of cavities. 

6) The sunlight can decrease levels of melatonin which can decrease fertility. Melatonin is also used in the body to regulate sleep so with decreased levels due to sun exposure, it can help give you more energy throughout the day. 

7) Those that suffer from inflammatory bowel disease typically have lower levels of vitamin D. Sunlight is usually the best way to increase these levels rather than food sources because IBS sufferers have poor absorption of food. 

8) The sunlight can heal various skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. It is best to speak with your provider, but regular sun exposure can help heal these conidtions. 

9) The immune system's ability to fight infections can be boosted by exposure to sunlight.

10) Serotonin in the body, which can be obtained from sunlight will not only help you feel more positive but also suppress appetite.

To find more tips to keep you and your family healthy, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Healthy Diets as We Age

As we age, we need less calories so it is imperative that the food choices we do make are healthy and beneficial for the body. Mark Williams discusses in his article titled “How Should Our Diet Change as We Age?” the importance of nutrition as we age. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine suggests that everyone consume 20-35 grams of dietary fiber each day. Currently, most people only consume 12-18 grams a day. The benefits of fiber are plentiful such as lowering blood sugar after eating a meal, reducing appetite, promoting regular bowel movements and potentially reducing the risk of heart disease and colon cancer. The author recommends a recipe from a geriatric nurse practitioner called "Power Pudding". It is a combination of one cup of each of the following items: prune juice, bran flakes and applesauce. Once it is mixed together, you can refrigerate it. The starting amount is typically two tablespoons every morning. The dose, which could be eaten by itself or even on a piece of toast, could be increased every 3-4 days until results are reached.  

Vegetables and fruits are critical to maintain a healthy diet because of the fiber, minerals and complex carbohydrates they supply. Colorful fruits and vegetables are best to consume because of the natural disease fighters they contain. When deciding which berry to choose- usually the darker is best because it has a higher concentration of antioxidants. At least nine servings of fruits and vegetables should be eaten in a day in 4-5 different colors. Beans and whole grains are a nice addition to meals because of their source of Vitamin E. Nuts are critical components of a healthy diet because of the healthy fats, magnesium and copper they supply. The serving size of nuts is 1/4 cup because nuts are typically high in calories. 

Recommended protein intake stays steady throughout the aging process, although research is still not conclusive. The amount of protein intake required can depend on if someone has a chronic disease. Some good sources of protein include fish, poultry, eggs, soy beans, nuts and dairy products. Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. 

It is important to keep up nutrition and calorie intake to ward off injury or illness. Poor nutrition can cause pressure ulcers, infections, muscle weakness, poor gait or falls. If you find any issues keeping your weight constant, it is imperative to speak with your providers. It is suggested to eat three meals a day with three snacks and be sure to not skip meals. If obtaining meals becomes an issue, there are usually city programs such as Meals on Wheels or churches that will provide meals.

To find out more ways to keep your family healthy, please visit our website at: www.oxborochiro.com


Tuesday, November 15, 2016


There is a new study that indicates that the cocoa in chocolate may be good for you. Randy Dotinga discusses in his article titled, "Is It Really True That Chocolate May Be Good For You?", about the many benefits that can be found in chocolate. 

The cocoa found in chocolate contains flavanols, which is deemed the healthiest part of consuming chocolate. A study containing 1,131 participants measured the effects of flavanols versus placebos. The amount of flavanols that were consumed differed between 155 and 2,110 milligrams. The length of time the participants were in the study varied from two weeks to a full year. From this study and others, it has been found that people who eat items that contain cocoa had lower levels of triglycerides, inflammation and blood sugar. Cocoa flavanols may be beneficial due to their effects of decreasing inflammation. Researchers haven’t been able to decipher the exact impact eating chocolate may have on overall health and also have not stated how much chocolate people should consume. There is also more research that needs to be done that measures the long-term effects of eating chocolate. 

As stated before, the exact level of chocolate consumption is up for debate, but when deciding which chocolate to eat, bittersweet or semisweet chocolate is typically best. Dark chocolate typically has the largest amount of flavanols, the highest levels of cocoa and contains less sugar. It is critical that the chocolate a consumer chooses has little sugar because if it has a large amount, it is likely to cancel any potential benefits from the cocoa. If you would like to receive the benefits of flavanols without consuming the extra sugar, cocoa supplements are available. You can try adding it to food items such as oatmeal, baked good, etc. To find out more ways to improve your health and wellness, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Increasing Your Longevity

Dr. Mehmet Oz recently hosted a conference that included many health experts. In his article titled “7 Experts Share Their Secrets to a Long, Healthy Life” Dr. Oz shares tips from experts on how to live a long, healthy life. These experts include Arianna Huffington, Alev Kelter, Dr. Michael Breus and Marcus Samuelson, just to name a few. These tips focus on sleep, nutrition, medications and environmental health. 

Arianna Huffington spoke at the conference about the importance of getting a good night's rest. Some of the techniques she uses to aid in her sleep are getting rid of all devices in the bedroom. She states that it is best to not even charge your cell phone in your room. Arianna states wearing something different than what you wore that day to bed will help with sleep. Before going to bed, Arianna suggests that it is best to do something relaxing. Relaxing activities could include things such as taking a shower or reading. 

Dr. Michael Breus is an expert in sleep but he focused on medication timing at the conference. Dr. Breus said the best time to take statins is actually at night because cholesterol levels are highest during that time. Aspirin should be taken at night because platelets in the blood are stickiest during the evening. When you wake in the morning, it is best to take probiotics because it helps protect bacteria from being destroyed by acids in the stomach. 

Chef Marcus Samuelson discussed the importance of adding foods like fish into your diet to increase longevity. Increasing your longevity can also be helped by maximizing your metabolism by regulating your vitamin and mineral intake. Dr. MacWilliam is a nutrition scientist and states that to increase bone strength, Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 are critical. To get the recommend amount, Dr. MacWilliam suggests taking 2000 IU of vitamin D and 30 micrograms of Vitamin K2 a day. 

Dr. Sinnott discussed how everyone should take a multivitamin to make sure the body and cells are receiving adequate nutrition to create overall health. David Wentz, the author of The Healthy Home, talked about ways to improve environmental health. An easy test to check air quality is if you are able to smell dinner or other aromas from the previous evening in your home, it likely does not have enough ventilation. Wentz suggests that opening up windows or installing a window fan can help increase ventilation in your home. For more tips to take care of your health, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Halloween is coming up in less than two weeks and there are a few tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics for making the holiday safe and fun for the whole family!

    1) Plan to have costumes that are reflective or bright to signal to cars and other pediestrians that you are in the area. You can add reflective tape to a costume or trick-or-treating bag if needed. 
    2) If a costume comes with a sword or cane ensure that it is not sharp or long in an effort to reduce injuries to others.
    3) When it comes to carving pumpkins it is best to avoid this project when children are young. Children can easily hurt themselves with carving utensils. Alternatives to carving pumpkins include using markers, paint or glitter glue to decorate pumpkins. 
    4) When lighting a pumpkin, consider using a glowstick, flashlight or plastic flameless candles. If deciding to use a candle, a votive candle is a safer option. Make sure pumpkins are not left unattended and away from areas where someone could knock it over.
    5) During trick-or-treating time make sure porchlights are well-lit and bulbs are in working order. 
    6) If you have pets in your home, move them to a different area of the home or restrain them when trick-or-treaters come to your door to prevent any potential injuries.
    7) Children should always go trick-or-treating with a responsible adult. If older children are going with friends, then map out a route that seems appropriate to you. Set a time that they should return home. Trick-or-treaters should bring a cell phone and walk on well-lit streets. It is also an important reminder to children that cars may have difficulty seeing them and they need to be aware of their surroundings. If any unusual activity occurs, notify the police.
    8) Before children go out trick-or-treating, a healthy meal can help discourage them from eating excess Halloween candy. 
    9) To make it a healthier Halloween for the trick-or-treaters, consider passing out non-food treats such as coloring books, markers or toys. 
    10) Before children dig into their candy at the end of the evening, it is best if an adult sorts through the candy to make sure it is safe, wrapped and not spoiled. 
    11) It is best to ration out childrens' treats through the following weeks. 

Have a safe and fun Halloween! For more tips to keep the whole family healthy, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com. 


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Creating New Habits

Brian Johnson writes in his article titled "Build Better Habits" about the power of habits. Building a strong foundation of habits helps people reach their potential according to Brian Johnson. Brian Johnson suggests that everyone has a "keystone habit" that has the most impact on their life. When you discover what that keystone habit is, Johnson states that you should try to master that habit whether it be exercising, a good sleep regimen, meditating or eating well. Mastering this keystone habit will help you to develop more positive changes in your life. It can be helpful to develop a list of benefits that your habits have brought to your life. Some strategies to use when you want boost your willpower to create better habits are eating healthy foods when you are hungry, breathing deeply to calm your body and mind and meditation. Johnson suggests that you have to fully commit to making changes in your life and make them nonnegotiable. It is also imperative to perform these habits on a daily basis- rather than saying you will do it on certain days of the week. Marking your successes on a calendar can help you monitor your success and make you feel more accomplished. When thinking of habits to implement into your life make them attainable while knowing in the future you can increase the length or number of times a day you are performing your new habit. 

When starting a new habit it can be difficult to perform it well the first few times, but it is important to keep continuing. It usually takes 30 days to incorporate a new habit into your life. The process of creating new habits typically has three stages. The first stage can seem extremely challenging while the second stage can be challenging but you will likely see the progress you are making. In the final stage of creating new habits, you will feel undefeatable. As you progress through these stages, your habit will allow room for happiness, fun and it won't seem like a new task to complete anymore. Once habits are created in your life it will be easier to create new habits in the future that will help you reach your true potential. To find out more ways to keep your mind and body healthy, please visit us our website at www.oxborochiro.com

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Exercising to Reduce Healthcare Costs

A new study shows that people who have heart disease and regularly workout typically save in yearly healthcare costs according to Lisa Rapaport. The American Heart Association states that people should be getting at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity five times a week. Moderate activity includes mowing the lawn, cleaning or walking at a fast pace. The AHA also states that 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity three times a week or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity is acceptable. Activities that are considered vigorous are running, swimming laps or participating in an aerobics class. This amount of activity has been shown to reduce complications and death from heart disease. According to the study, only one-third of heart disease patients get this amount of weekly exercise. 

A nationwide survey was completed in 2012 involving over 26,000 adults. The study found that 9 percent of these adults had cardiovascular disease. The participants that had cardiovascular disease had overall higher healthcare costs. Heart disease sufferers that workout at least 30 minutes five times a week typically saved $2,500 each year in healthcare costs.  It is speculated that if at least 20 percent of heart disease patients would meet their minimum physical activity recommendations, approximately $6 billion would be saved a year in healthcare costs. Participants of the survey that had high blood pressure were not included in the heart disease group, which may have led to an underestimation of those with heart disease and thus would increase the average amount paid for healthcare costs. It is never too late to start exercising, but it should always be done under a physician's care. To find out more ways to improve your health, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com.  

Thursday, September 22, 2016

School Lunches

Packing your child's lunch throughout the school year can be a daunting task. Mary Brophy Marcus in her article titled "5 Worst Things to Pack in Your Kid's School Lunch" discusses food items that should typically be avoided when packing lunches and offers alternatives to creating healthier meals for the family.

Although deli sandwich meats are easy to pack for lunches, they are typically full of nitrates, unhealthy fats, extra sodium and added colors. Despina Hyde, a registered dietician, suggests roasting meats the weekend before and slicing it for the following week's lunches. Vegetables such as spinach, red peppers, cucumber, pickles and even apples are a healthy addition to sandwiches. Instead of using mayo some healthier alternatives are hummus, mustard or avocado. Whole wheat bread is the best option for a bread choice because it has 3 grams of fiber in each slide. 

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can be a healthy option for lunch if you avoid nut spreads that contain extra sugar, artificial sweeteners and hydrogenated oils. Jelly can oftentimes contain a large amount of added sugars so it can be helpful to use sliced fruit to sweeten the sandwich. As an alternative to a sandwich, you could pack apples, nut butter and whole wheat crackers. 

Food kits that contain deli meats, cheeses or even build-your-own pizza typically aren’t a healthy option due to their processed nature and excess salt and sugar. Homemade wraps, sandwiches or even pizza can be made to be healthy. Sandwiches and salads that are filled with mayo are not healthy options for a school lunch due to their saturated fat content and potential to spoil. An alternative to these types of sandwiches and salads are using Greek yogurt, lemon juice and avocado to create a creamy mayo substitute. If you are going to make a sandwich with tuna or egg products, remember to always use an ice pack to keep the items cold. Despina Hyde dismembers the myth that all yogurt products are healthy. Oftentimes, yogurt is packed with sugar and artificial colors. Combining plain yogurt with fruit on the side is a nice alternative to the typical kid’s yogurt at the grocery store. Remember to use an ice pack to make sure the yogurt stays cold until lunch time. 

With all of these healthy alternatives to school lunches, it is also important to make sure the food your child is consuming is safe. You can pack antibacterial hand wipes to encourage your child to wipe their hands before and after lunch to prevent the spread of germs. If their lunch is perishable, remind your child to get rid of it and not save it for a later time. The maximum amount of time to leave out perishable items is 1 1/2 hours. If you sent soup or casserole for your child to school, it is best to make sure you have a quality thermos to keep the items hot. When the lunch bag comes home at night, make sure to clean it out with an antibacterial spray or wipe. Packing lunches is a great way to involve the entire family in eating healthy lunches. For more information on keeping your children healthy throughout the school year, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Incorporating Play Into Exercise

Andrew Heffernan discusses in his article "How Fun Fosters Fitness" the importance of incorporating play into your life especially when it pertains to exercise. Play can make exercising more exciting, fun and effective. Play is defined as "occupying oneself in an activity for amusement or recreation" according to Heffernan. In our world, play can include games, painting, dancing or even gambling but it is dependent on one's personal preference. Although there are not defined survival benefits for playing, play is wired in a particular survival area in our brain.

Play is sometimes done solely for the sake of enjoyment which is why some people view it as a poor use of their time. With our ever expanding daily schedule it can be hard to find to incorporate play into our days. Play has particular characteristics that help define it. Play is done voluntary for the sake of it being fun and exciting. Play can be structured but also has the potential to be spontaneous and allows room for freedom from time constraints. During moments of play, we typically lose our sense of being self-conscious and just enjoy our time. Play can involve multiple people which can harbor competition, fun and social interaction. Some examples of play include playing a musical instrument, dancing, sports, reading or art classes.  A lack of play time particularly when children are under the age of 10 has been shown to increase depression, addiction, lower impulse control and less meaningful relationships with others.

Incorporating play into exercise can take place in a variety of ways. When using gym equipment, play can be harnessed by using equipment with multiple purposes such as kettlebells, medicine balls, hula hoops or even logs in the backyard. These types of equipment can create excitement and fun while working out. Oftentimes, sports are played many years without much variety of other activities incorporated. It can be beneficial to play a plethora of sports to get you excited about exercising and play. The outdoors provides many opportunities for playful exercise. Parks, trails and lakes provide many options for the types of exercise you can partake in. Incorporating others into your exercise routine can increase fun. Try giving your workout partner a piggyback ride in place of dumbbells or pushing against them to simulate a weighted sled. To discover more ways to take care of your body, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Back to School

The school year is just around the corner and many children and their families may be feeling anxious about the upcoming year. The article titled "Back-to-School Tips for Parents" outlines basic tips to help you and your family ease potential worries about entering into the new school year. 

It is important to meet your child’s teacher before the year begins, if possible, whether at a back-to-school night or open house because it can help ease anxieties when the family has met the teacher. If you are unable to attend one of these events, writing an email or calling the teacher introducing yourself can help keep lines of communication open throughout the year. If your child is new to the school it can be helpful to take a look around the building to familiarize your child to the environment. Even if the child has attended the school previously, walking into their new classroom may help ease worries about being able to find everything that is needed. Before the year starts bringing your child to buy school supplies can help them get excited about the new year and letting them to use some of the new items such as a calculator, protractor or compass may help them to feel more comfortable using these supplies. Allowing your child to buy fun and colorful school items can help them feel more excited about starting school. It may help your child get excited for school by getting together with a friend from school. Your child may also feel more comfortable confiding in a friend about potential worries regarding the school year.

To get your child prepared for the school year, it is best to begin your school routine at least a few days before the year starts. This could include setting an alarm and having your child go through the routine of getting ready for school. Starting a school routine a few days before the year begins may ease nerves and have the first day of school go more smoothly. To find more tips on how to keep you and your family healthy throughout the year, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Most people can survive over a month without food but are unable to survive much past a few days without water. According to the article “What You Need to Know About Dehydration” the role of water in the body is critical. Water helps protect the brain, spinal cord and other tissues. Water will help the body regulate its temperature, lubricate the joints, remove toxins and other waste products when sweating. While most of the water we consume will exit our bodies through sweating, urinating or breathing. Water intake is critical to maintaining hydration especially when dehydration is due to hot temperatures or exercising. 

Dehydration can cause mental and physical performance decline alongside feelings of thirst, dizziness, irritability and potential headaches. Even a 1% decrease in fluids can cause performance decline and a 3% decrease in fluids can cause heat stroke or exhaustion. Your blood can become thick due to dehydration which causes your heart to pump harder in order to give oxygen to the rest of your body. When exercising it is suggested to drink at least 200 to 285 ml of water every ten to 20 minutes. The total from beverages or food sources should be 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women. The signs of dehydration are feeling thirsty and you should drink when you have these urges.

It can be difficult to stay hydrated during intense exercise so it is essential to start an activity fully hydrated and when the exercise is complete, rehydrate with fluids. Electrolytes will be needed when exercise is longer and in hotter temperatures. When we sweat we lose certain minerals like sodium and potassium that help regulate water levels in the body. Coconut water are a good alternative to common sports drinks to help with increasing hydration. You can get a sense of the level of hydration by your urine color. If it is a darker shade of yellow, you typically will need to consume more fluids. If it is a light color or even clear, you are likely well hydrated. The United States National Research Council recommends the consumption of at least eight medium-sized glasses of water a day but that can depend on body size, amount of activity, humidity or diet. Fluid intake can also come from the types of food you eat, especially foods like bananas, tomatoes or cucumbers. Drinking water (approximately 500 ml) during meals can help with weight loss because of its ability to make you feel full. Water consumption is not only important in the summer but all year round! To find more information about staying healthy, please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com 

Source: http://www.coachmag.co.uk/health/5664/what-you-need-to-know-about-dehydration

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Spices to Add to Your Diet

Spices have a long held history of having healing powers, especially when pharmaceuticals were not available.  Casey Seidenberg explains in his article titled "Spices and Their Health Benefits" that spices were seen as a sign of wealth and were viewed as extremely valuable. Adding spices to diets can help with digestion and absorption of nutrients. Spices should be bought in small amounts to maintain freshness and sealed in tight glass containers. Listed below are spices that are easy to add to your diet to improve flavor and your health. 

Cardamom: This spice can be used in drinks such as chai teas or coffee. Cardamom can also be used to add flavor to curries, rice meals or can be used alongside salt and pepper to give meat a smoky flavor. This spice is typically used to remove toxins from the body and has been seen to reduce tumor activity. 

Cayenne: Cayenne has an active ingredient in it called capsicum. This component can increase circulation and weight loss. An easy way to incorporate cayenne into your diet is to use it in tacos, Cajun dishes or even add it to lemonade for a spicy drink. 

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a great spice to add to your diet. You can use cinnamon to flavor oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots or leafy greens. Other ways to use cinnamon include sprinkling it onto black beans or even mixing it into warm milk. Cinnamon is a typical spice used in Chinese medicine that has been shown to increase glucose sensitivity and has antioxidant properties. 

Cumin: Cumin is a wonderful spice that helps digestion, has antibacterial properties in the digestive system and helps with the ability to absorb nutrients. Cumin can be added to dishes to enhance flavors in soups, pork, hummus and tacos. 

Ginger: Ginger can be used to flavor tea, smoothies, juice, soups or stir fry. The value of ginger has anti-inflammatory properties can be used for nausea, digestive issues and can be particularly helpful during pregnancy. 

Black pepper: Years ago during the spice trade time, black pepper was a much desired product. Black pepper can be used to stop cholesterol absorption and lower blood lipids. Black pepper can be used in many dishes and it is best to crack black pepper at the end of cooking because of its tendency to become bitter.

Turmeric: The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin, and it has many powerful effects in the body. Some of the health benefits of curcumin include having anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal and anticancer components for the body. The diseases it may fight against include arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, allergies and other chronic diseases. Turmeric can be taken in pill form or used in curries, dressings, mixed with honey or added to milk. 

Please visit our website to find more ways to keep your whole body health at www.oxborochiro.com

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Increasing Your Sleep

When life gets busy, it is easy to reduce the amount of sleep we get each night in order to accomplish more tasks. Kermit Pattison in his article "Sleep Deficit" discusses the importance of maintaining a regular sleep schedule that includes at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Although it may seem that our bodies are at rest during sleep, our bodies are busy repairing vital parts of our physiology and psychology which allow physical functions and minds to be more alert, productive and maintain overall health while we are awake. 

The National Sleep Foundation states that nearly a third of Americans describe daytime tiredness as an interference to their daily lives. There are four stages of sleep that our bodies go through. The first stage is when we fall into a light sleep which causes our muscle and eye activity to decrease. During the second stage of light sleep our body temperature, brain waves and heart rate will decrease in order to get ready for deeper sleep. Stage 3 is the beginning of deeper sleep and during this time brain waves will continue to slow and growth hormone is released to help damaged cells. The final stage of sleep is when muscle activity stops and it is not easy to be awaken in this stage. Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep occurs approximately 90 minutes after you have fallen asleep. REM sleep can last for one hour and approximately 20 to 25 percent of our sleeping hours are spent in REM sleep. During this time, breathing becomes more shallow and rapid. Eye movement increases, brain waves speed up, blood pressure and heart rate may rise and the ability to regulate body temperature decreases. REM sleep typically makes people feel rejuvenated in the morning. 

When sleep is lost we can tend to feel easily angered while more sleep helps increase positive feelings. Stress and weight can be increased when sleep is missed while the immune system can be compromised. Sleep deprivation can cause inability to repair muscles after intense exercise. Losing sleep has a cumulative effect, according to a study done placing participants in a dark room for 14 hours for multiple weeks. Participants of this study slept an average of 12 hours a night for the first four weeks and then after time it decreased to eight hours. The conclusion of the study was that you had to sleep until your previous missed hours were gained back. 

Increasing the length and quality of sleep allows the mind to function and keep multiple tasks in order. There are some tips to help you increase the amount and quality of sleep you receive in the evenings. A relaxing and regular routine of sleep can help regulate your sleep cycle. Avoiding caffeine, heavy meals, screen time, sugar, nicotine and alcohol especially close to bedtime can help you to sleep better. Keeping the bedroom quiet, dark, cool and reserved for relaxation rather than work can help increase quality of sleep. If you end up unable to fall asleep at night within 30 minutes, move to another area and do something that is restful until you are ready to fall to sleep. 

Please visit our website www.oxborochiro.com to find more tips to stay healthy. 

Source: https://experiencelife.com/article/sleep-deficit/

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Eating for Immunity

The immune system is a powerful defense against illness. As the summer is slowly coming to end there are eating strategies that can improve an existing illness or prevent new ones from occurring. According to Dr. John Berardi in his article titled “What to Eat for a Stronger Immune System” we all have bacteria in our stomach that works to prevent illness, but the good bacteria needs to be properly fed to work efficiently. The immune system begins as we consume products through saliva. If bacteria or germs are able to pass through saliva and into our stomach, the hydrochloric acid in our stomach will typically match up against the bacteria. If the hydrochloric acid does not stop the bacteria from entering the digestive system, germs will be met with our system’s chemical compounds and proteins that will break them down. The digestive system’s good bacteria called probiotics will block bad bacteria from being able to enter our bloodstream, colon or small intestine. 

The entire GI tract houses most of our immune system which helps us fight off dangerous invaders. To increase the amount and strength of probiotics in our GI tract, certain types of foods should be eaten. Good bacteria thrive on whole foods but deteriorate when processed and sugar-filled foods are consumed. In general, if these types of foods are eaten you are more apt to develop illnesses and stay sicker for a longer time. 

Eating a healthy diet will help combat illness by feeding the good bacteria in your gut. Prebiotics, which are a form of semi-digestible fiber help bacteria flourish. You should aim to consume 2-3 servings a day of these foods. Some examples of prebiotics are garlic, leeks, onions, apples, bananas, barley, quinoa, yams, berries, chia seeds and flaxseed. You can take prebiotic supplements but they should only be used in addition to the prebiotics you are already consuming.

One to two servings of probiotic foods should be eaten each day. Probiotic-rich foods are kefir and yogurt with live and active cultures, pickles, kimchi, miso, tempeh, soy sauce and kombucha. Probiotic supplements can be taken in addition to consumption of probiotic foods. 

While prebiotics and probiotics aid in fending off illness sometimes sickness can still occur. Consuming products like garlic, bone broth, green tea, honey and elderberries can help you feel better faster. Other than consuming prebiotics and probiotics some ways to improve your immune system include eating the correct amount of food (not overindulging or not eating enough), eating healthy fats (avocados, nuts or olive oil), reducing sugar intake, consuming protein and eating plenty of vegetables and fruit. A diet that is balanced in healthy foods can increase your immunity against harmful bacteria. For more information to keep you healthy please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ways to Increase Energy Throughout the Day

Oftentimes energy levels can dip throughout the day due to food or drink choices. Julie Kendrick gives some suggestions on how to avoid these crashes during the day in her article titled " 5 Energy Traps (and How to Avoid Them)". 

If you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted there are a few tips for increasing your energy to sustain you through the day. One reason that your energy may be low in the morning is due to dehydration since liquids haven't been consumed overnight. You may choose to start your day with water and when choosing breakfast avoid refined sugar and carbohydrates because of the changing cycles of energy they cause due to blood sugar spikes and falls. Some healthier breakfast options that will help you avoid blood sugar spikes are eggs, steel-cut oats with berries, whole milk and nuts. If you choose to make a smoothie in the morning add protein filled products such as protein powder, yogurt or almond butter. For added fiber to keep you full use kale, spinach or parsley. Coconut oil and avocados are a great option for adding healthy fats into your diet.

If you feel drowsy midmorning it could be caused by a blood sugar drop- instead of grabbing more sugar, caffeine or carbohydrates choose protein or fiber filled foods. Some healthy options are almond butter, nuts, vegetables and hummus. These slow digesting foods will help you to feel full for a longer period of time. 

Typically, cortisol levels will drop between 1 and 3 pm causing tiredness. If your lunches are typically low in protein and fiber, you will likely feel lethargic. You can try having a lunch that contains healthy fats, protein and fiber. Feeding your gut bacteria will cause a change in energy levels, and you can increase good bacteria in the gut by adding items such as yogurts with live cultures, dill pickles or other fermented vegetables. 

After work you may feel lethargic due to the length of time between lunch and dinner. It can be a perfect set-up for mindless snacking. It is helpful to drink a glass of water right when you get home to help your body restore itself. If you are unable to wait until dinner to eat, try snacking on items like nuts, avocados or seeds to stabilize blood sugar and energy. 

Before bed it may be easy to give into cravings for poor food choices. If food is eaten right before bed, your blood sugar will spike and your body will then need to start the cycle of digestion. This could cause a rise in cortisol which would interfere with the ability to sleep well at night. Take the time before you grab a snack before bed to see if you truly are hungry. If you are, try a small protein shake, cottage cheese or a small banana with almond butter. If you aren't hungry, find another way to calm down and rest before bed by meditating, journaling or talking to a loved one. 

Please visit our website at www.oxborochiro.com.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Importance of Good Posture

Good posture is critical to maintaining overall health. According to the article titled “The Heath Benefits of Good Postures” there are numerous benefits to actively improving your posture. 

To check to see if you have correct posture when standing make sure you are naturally lengthening your body and not arching your back. Your chin, jaw and knees should be relaxed while opening your chest and shoulders. Lean slightly forward on the balls of your feet and relax your arms while standing. When displaying good posture your spine should be neutral and relaxed. 

To further improve your posture, make sure you are moving throughout the day, especially if you work at a desk most of the day. If you are working at a desk, you can try sitting on an exercise ball to decrease the chances of your muscles locking up. An exercise routine can greatly improve your posture, too. Tai Chi or Yoga is a wonderful way to increase body awareness and movement. Relaxation is critical for reducing tension throughout the body, and this can be done through swimming or massage. 

The benefits of good posture are endless. Digestion and breathing can be improved through practicing good posture everyday by keeping the rib cage at the correct upright height which will allow the digestive system and respiratory system to fully open to work more effectively. Good posture can prevent future back problems and reduce tension throughout the entire body. Since muscles lose tone and function throughout the years, proper posture can aid muscles in working more efficiently and can help strengthen stomach and back muscles. Another additional benefit to improving posture is increased concentration and confidence. Chiropractic care can help greatly help with posture. Call us today to schedule your next appointment!

Please visit us at: www.oxborochiro.com

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Benefits of Connecting with Others

Studies show that connecting with friends and family can help improve your physical and mental health according to Angela Troyer in her article titled "The Health Benefits of Socializing". One of the benefits that come from socializing with others include improved mental health. When we interact with others, it increases positive feelings thus diminishing depressive symptoms. Other mental health benefits to socializing with others include reducing the risk of developing dementia. Those that have strong social ties with others have been found to develop dementia at a lesser rate. There are increased memory and cognitive abilities for those keeping up their socializing, too. Your physical health can benefit from social interactions by increasing your immune system. When the immune system is strengthened it may make it easier to fend off the flu, colds or even various types of cancer. One of the biggest benefits found when people have active social lives is that they typically live longer than those that tend to isolate themselves. 

There are many ways to increase your opportunities to expand your social circle and connect with others. You can participate in a community group that focuses on hobbies or sports. Many libraries or recreation centers will offer classes that will create opportunities for meeting new people. You can invite friends or family over for a meal and even play a group game or sport after that. Find a friend to workout with or visit various sites around your city. All of these ideas and more can help increase your social life and benefit your health for the long-term. 


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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Benefits of Green Tea

According to Meera Senthilingham in her 2016 article "Can Green Tea Boost Your Brainpower and Treat Disease?" green tea has been long used in Chinese medicine as a way to cure certain ailments. Green tea has recently been found to promote health and decrease conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer or even Alzheimer's disease. The component in green tea that has a particular affect on the body is EGCG, which helps brain function. In a study done in 2014 observing the effects of green tea extract it was found that the areas of the brain connected with the working memory saw increased connectivity and thus aided in increasing memory when the extract was inhaled nasally. The plasticity changes in the brain could help improve symptoms associated with dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Down Syndrome. 

In a study focusing on Down Syndrome specifically participants were given EGCG in a pill form. When researchers compared the placebo and control group, those receiving the EGCG saw improvements for connections in the brain via nerve cells and language related areas of the brain. Participants also experienced improvements in visual memory and had improved ability to make plans or calculations. From this study, researchers were able to see the potential benefits of using EGCG in those with Down Syndrome. Researchers recognize that there needs to be more studies done to further investigate and solidify the benefits of EGCG. Researchers are hoping to do further studies using a larger amount of participants and include children in their work. Overall, EGCG may help protect the brain with certain diseases. 


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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Increasing Muscle Mass Over the Years

As people age, appearances not only change but critical muscle mass can be loss that helps maintain good health. Sarcopenia is an age-related loss of muscle mass. According to Douglas Paddon-Jones in his article "More Muscle = Less Disease" sarcopenia can cause a 1% total muscle mass loss for every year after the age of 40. Muscle loss can cause it to be harder to lift objects, walk or maintain balance throughout the day. Sarcopenia makes it more difficult to stay physically active which causes an overall increase in chronic disease. 

To maintain muscle mass throughout the years, it is critical to consume protein and have an exercise routine. Douglas Paddon-Jones suggests for adults that struggle with sarcopenia that they consume at least 80 g to 90 g of protein a day. If you are a male or are physically active, talk with your doctor about consuming more protein than the recommended amount. If you suffer from kidney disease or another disease make sure to talk to your doctor because your protein intake may need to be limited. Protein intake can be made easier by focusing on getting 25 g to 30 g of protein at each meal and having protein-rich snacks. A breakfast that contains protein is essential for maintaining consistent intake. Some of these protein-rich sources could be chicken, pork, salmon, beans or soy nuts. Supplements such as whey protein or bars may be taken if you are unable to get enough protein. When choosing a supplement make sure it states that it has all essential amino acids. 

In regards to exercise and muscle mass maintenance it is important to make sure to stay active. Resistance training via lifting weights, yoga, pilates or resistance bands is a way to increase muscle mass. If you are choosing to lift weights to build muscle mass, it is imperative to build upon the amount of weights you are lifting and add additional repetitions and sets when training. This technique is called progressive resistance training and after doing this for a few months, sarcopenia sufferers could see a few pounds increase in muscle mass according to Douglas Paddon-Jones. 


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tips for a Healthy Summer for Children

Research has shown that childrens' health actually declines in the summer despite images of children playing in the yard and eating fresh fruits and vegetables. According to Brenda McLaughlin in her article "Healthy Summer for Kids Turning Risk Into Opportunity" the school year provides structure for physical activity and dietary needs, especially for families who may not have access to regular meals during the summer. A sample of approximately 5,380 kindergarteners were used to detect changes in body mass index during the school year and summer. This study found that during the summer months the surveyed children gained weight at a rate of two or three times faster in the summer than the school year. The reasoning behind this is speculated to be because school limits the amount of time for eating snacks and allots structured time for physical activity.

Beyond physical health reasons alone, research has shown how nutrition and physical activity can positively affect learning. Children typically show a decline in their educational knowledge in subjects such as reading and mathematics during the summer months. Healthy habits and learning have a close connection, and there are a few steps that can be taken to ensure that children retain their overall health during the summer months.

In an interview with Dr. Stephen Pont, he reconfirms the data that children tend to gain weight during the summer months because of mindless eating, less activity and later bed times. Shae Gawlak in her article "Top Ten Summer Healthy Tips for Kids" states that children should get between 8-10 hours of sleep at night in order to fully recover from activity and heat. Dr. Pont suggests that families should take advantage of schools' playgrounds, parks and summer camps. Families can do activities together such as taking walks, playing games or going to a gym. Children should get at least 60 minutes of physical movement each day.

Shae Gawlak suggests that children should never skip breakfast and make sure their plates are at least half full with fruits and vegetables. When playing outside children should reach for water instead of soda, especially to prevent heat exhaustion. Children partaking in activities such as rollerblading, biking and skateboarding should wear safety equipment to prevent injuries and whether it is sunny or cloudy, they should wear sunscreen.

Summer is a great time for children to continue to gain health and knowledge. It is critical to incorporate healthy meals into daily routines, physical activity and making sure they are getting adequate sleep. These steps will help children continue to be healthy in the summer and throughout the year.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Healthy Seeds to Add to Your Diet

Seeds are a healthy additive to diets because of all the nutritional benefits they contain. Seeds are typically filled with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that are essential to maintaining good health. When buying seeds it is best to store them in the refrigerator and if they need to be ground, it is suggested to grind them yourself to maintain freshness.

Chia seeds are classified as a superfood that have a long history of more than 500 years according to the website wholeliving.com. They make a great addition to smoothies, yogurt, soups, baked goods and can be added to thicken products. These tiny seeds are a superfood because of the omega-3 fats, antioxidants, fiber and protein they contain. According to Nick Harris-Fry, a few tablespoons of chia seeds will give you approximately a third of your recommended daily fiber.

Pumpkin seeds or pepitas are a wonderful addition to salads, smoothies, soups or can be eaten by themselves. These seeds contain unsaturated fats, protein and zinc. Although pumpkin seeds may come shelled, the shell contains most of the fiber and the seed has most of the nutrients so when eaten together they provide many health benefits. 

Hemp seeds are considered a protein powerhouse because they contain 10 grams of protein in just a few tablespoons according to Nick Harris-Fry. These seeds can be added to salads, baked goods or even be made into hemp milk which is a great alternative for those who are intolerant to dairy products. Hemp is a source of all essential amino acids according to Terri Coles in her article titled "10 Healthy Seeds to Add to Your Diet".

Flaxseeds also known as linseeds are a wonderful seed to add to your diet for additional fat, protein and fiber. Ashley Pettit states that these seeds can have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. These seeds can be added to cereal, baked goods and smoothies to increase the nutritional value of these items. Flaxseeds can be used to replace eggs in a recipe. You can use one ground tablespoon of flaxseed and three tablespoons of water to create this egg alternative. Flaxseeds should be ground up and refrigerated before being added to anything because if they are whole, they cannot be undigested and will not give you the full nutritional value. 

Sunflower seeds have a long history of being filled with antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin E. They can be eaten as a snack or added to salads to increase your protein and fat intake. Sunflower seeds can be blended into a butter that is a great replacement for those who cannot have peanuts or almonds. These seeds are typically easier for people to digest and can even be sprouted in water to increase digestibility. 

Sesame seeds can be found on hamburgers bun but can also be a delicious addition to many foods such as sushi, other breads or fish. Tahini sauce is made from these small and flavorful seeds which can be added to salads, hummus and other dishes. Sesame seeds packs in minerals, amino acids and other vitamins.  
