Thursday, January 28, 2016

Effects of Too Much TV

Effects of Too Much TV

As winter continues, we will find that kids are less willing to go outside and play after school and see the transition to an increase in watching TV.   This blog will help with understanding the effects of having too much time in front of the screen.   According to the American Academy of Pediatrics media use by children under the age of 2 should be discouraged as well as limiting older children’s TV time to no more than one or two hours a day.   Too much screen time has been associated to:
The more TV your child watches, the greater his or her risk is of becoming overweight because of the lack of movement and activity.   Kids can also start to develop cravings for junk food that they see promoted on advertisements.

rregular sleep. 
The more TV your child watches, the more likely they are to have trouble falling asleep or having abnormal sleep schedules.   Sleep loss can also lead to decreases in the immune system as well as increase snacking.

Impaired academic performance. 
Elementary students who have TVs in their bedrooms tend to perform worse on tests than do those who don’t have TVs in their bedrooms.

Aches and pains. 
The positions that children sit in while watching TV can put their spines in positions for long periods of time that they are not accustomed to.  These positions can cause abnormal strain to muscles and joints causing soreness as well as limited flexibility.

Things you can do to help your children limit time spent in front of the TV include closer monitoring, keep TVs out of the bedrooms, suggest other activities, and don’t allow eating in front of the TV.  Also if your children start to complain about aches and pains bring them in to your chiropractor to get treated. 

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