Thursday, June 9, 2016

Healthy Seeds to Add to Your Diet

Seeds are a healthy additive to diets because of all the nutritional benefits they contain. Seeds are typically filled with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that are essential to maintaining good health. When buying seeds it is best to store them in the refrigerator and if they need to be ground, it is suggested to grind them yourself to maintain freshness.

Chia seeds are classified as a superfood that have a long history of more than 500 years according to the website They make a great addition to smoothies, yogurt, soups, baked goods and can be added to thicken products. These tiny seeds are a superfood because of the omega-3 fats, antioxidants, fiber and protein they contain. According to Nick Harris-Fry, a few tablespoons of chia seeds will give you approximately a third of your recommended daily fiber.

Pumpkin seeds or pepitas are a wonderful addition to salads, smoothies, soups or can be eaten by themselves. These seeds contain unsaturated fats, protein and zinc. Although pumpkin seeds may come shelled, the shell contains most of the fiber and the seed has most of the nutrients so when eaten together they provide many health benefits. 

Hemp seeds are considered a protein powerhouse because they contain 10 grams of protein in just a few tablespoons according to Nick Harris-Fry. These seeds can be added to salads, baked goods or even be made into hemp milk which is a great alternative for those who are intolerant to dairy products. Hemp is a source of all essential amino acids according to Terri Coles in her article titled "10 Healthy Seeds to Add to Your Diet".

Flaxseeds also known as linseeds are a wonderful seed to add to your diet for additional fat, protein and fiber. Ashley Pettit states that these seeds can have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. These seeds can be added to cereal, baked goods and smoothies to increase the nutritional value of these items. Flaxseeds can be used to replace eggs in a recipe. You can use one ground tablespoon of flaxseed and three tablespoons of water to create this egg alternative. Flaxseeds should be ground up and refrigerated before being added to anything because if they are whole, they cannot be undigested and will not give you the full nutritional value. 

Sunflower seeds have a long history of being filled with antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin E. They can be eaten as a snack or added to salads to increase your protein and fat intake. Sunflower seeds can be blended into a butter that is a great replacement for those who cannot have peanuts or almonds. These seeds are typically easier for people to digest and can even be sprouted in water to increase digestibility. 

Sesame seeds can be found on hamburgers bun but can also be a delicious addition to many foods such as sushi, other breads or fish. Tahini sauce is made from these small and flavorful seeds which can be added to salads, hummus and other dishes. Sesame seeds packs in minerals, amino acids and other vitamins.  
