Thursday, September 8, 2016

Incorporating Play Into Exercise

Andrew Heffernan discusses in his article "How Fun Fosters Fitness" the importance of incorporating play into your life especially when it pertains to exercise. Play can make exercising more exciting, fun and effective. Play is defined as "occupying oneself in an activity for amusement or recreation" according to Heffernan. In our world, play can include games, painting, dancing or even gambling but it is dependent on one's personal preference. Although there are not defined survival benefits for playing, play is wired in a particular survival area in our brain.

Play is sometimes done solely for the sake of enjoyment which is why some people view it as a poor use of their time. With our ever expanding daily schedule it can be hard to find to incorporate play into our days. Play has particular characteristics that help define it. Play is done voluntary for the sake of it being fun and exciting. Play can be structured but also has the potential to be spontaneous and allows room for freedom from time constraints. During moments of play, we typically lose our sense of being self-conscious and just enjoy our time. Play can involve multiple people which can harbor competition, fun and social interaction. Some examples of play include playing a musical instrument, dancing, sports, reading or art classes.  A lack of play time particularly when children are under the age of 10 has been shown to increase depression, addiction, lower impulse control and less meaningful relationships with others.

Incorporating play into exercise can take place in a variety of ways. When using gym equipment, play can be harnessed by using equipment with multiple purposes such as kettlebells, medicine balls, hula hoops or even logs in the backyard. These types of equipment can create excitement and fun while working out. Oftentimes, sports are played many years without much variety of other activities incorporated. It can be beneficial to play a plethora of sports to get you excited about exercising and play. The outdoors provides many opportunities for playful exercise. Parks, trails and lakes provide many options for the types of exercise you can partake in. Incorporating others into your exercise routine can increase fun. Try giving your workout partner a piggyback ride in place of dumbbells or pushing against them to simulate a weighted sled. To discover more ways to take care of your body, please visit our website at