Thursday, October 6, 2016

Creating New Habits

Brian Johnson writes in his article titled "Build Better Habits" about the power of habits. Building a strong foundation of habits helps people reach their potential according to Brian Johnson. Brian Johnson suggests that everyone has a "keystone habit" that has the most impact on their life. When you discover what that keystone habit is, Johnson states that you should try to master that habit whether it be exercising, a good sleep regimen, meditating or eating well. Mastering this keystone habit will help you to develop more positive changes in your life. It can be helpful to develop a list of benefits that your habits have brought to your life. Some strategies to use when you want boost your willpower to create better habits are eating healthy foods when you are hungry, breathing deeply to calm your body and mind and meditation. Johnson suggests that you have to fully commit to making changes in your life and make them nonnegotiable. It is also imperative to perform these habits on a daily basis- rather than saying you will do it on certain days of the week. Marking your successes on a calendar can help you monitor your success and make you feel more accomplished. When thinking of habits to implement into your life make them attainable while knowing in the future you can increase the length or number of times a day you are performing your new habit. 

When starting a new habit it can be difficult to perform it well the first few times, but it is important to keep continuing. It usually takes 30 days to incorporate a new habit into your life. The process of creating new habits typically has three stages. The first stage can seem extremely challenging while the second stage can be challenging but you will likely see the progress you are making. In the final stage of creating new habits, you will feel undefeatable. As you progress through these stages, your habit will allow room for happiness, fun and it won't seem like a new task to complete anymore. Once habits are created in your life it will be easier to create new habits in the future that will help you reach your true potential. To find out more ways to keep your mind and body healthy, please visit us our website at