Tuesday, December 27, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

As 2016 comes to an end, many are beginning to think ahead to what resolutions they want to make in 2017. In the article titled, “7 Secrets of People Who Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions” by Kevin Kruse he discusses ways to achieve new year's resolutions.Research has shown that only 8 percent of people who make new year’s resolutions will keep them. The author of the article interviews Dr. Paul Marciano and discusses 7 ways to achieve goals for 2017. Dr. Marciano suggests first to make sure any goals are specific. He suggests using the SMART goals system which entails that goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Your new year’s resolutions should be measured by the amount of progress you are obtaining towards your goals. Measuring your progress will help you adjust your efforts and be a source of motivation when you reflect on where you are at. 

Sharing your resolutions with friends and family can allow for social support that can help you to achieve your goals. A suggestion is to have an “accountability partner" that can check in with you periodically to see how your progress is going. Another way to achieve your resolutions is to make sure you have time set apart to work on your goals. Dr. Marciano states that it is best to put it in your calendar. Dr. Marciano states that something is better than nothing especially if it pertains to food or exercise related goals. For example, if you have a goal to workout one hour a day but can only do 20 minutes it is best to what you can and not skip it all together. Being resilient when it comes to new year’s resolutions is an important skill. If you don’t meet your goal one day, acknowledge what happened and recommit to the steps needed to meet your goal. If you follow these 7 steps, hopefully it will help you to reach your goals for 2017! 

Please visit our website www.oxborochiro.com to find out more ways to stay healthy in the new year! We hope you have a wonderful start to 2017.