Thursday, September 14, 2017


Lisa Drayer explains in her article about how to remove sugar from your diet. Her article is titled “One-Month Sugar Detox: A Nutritionist Explains How and Why”. It has been found that approximately 10 percent of Americans are truly addicted to sugar. When people consume sugar, the rewards and cravings are similar to addictive drugs. One of the biggest concerns when it comes to sugar is that it is hidden in the foods we consume like salad dressings, tomato sauce, breads, etc. We can essentially be consuming sugar all day long if we are not aware. By eliminating sugar in a diet, unwanted weight can be lost, you can feel better and have a radiant complexion.

In research done by Robert Lustig, they found when children deemed obese eliminated extra sugar from their diet for a total of nine days, every measured part of their metabolic health improved. When detoxing from sugar, it is best to do it “cold turkey”. When sugar detox is done in this way, taste palates change and they are able to taste the sugar in items such as fruits, vegetables and dairy. Brooke Alpert the co-author of “The Sugar Detox: Lose the Sugar, Lose the Weight— Look and Feel Great” suggests that for the first three days, people should avoid added sugars, fruits, starchy vegetables (corn, sweet potatoes, peas, butternut squash, etc.), dairy, grains and alcohol. For that time period you are essentially consuming protein, vegetables and fats. Artificial sweeteners are not included in this plan because they cause our palates to become dull and less sensitive to the sweetness in foods. Artitifical sweeteners also cause an increase in fat storage and could cause you to overeat later. Alpert states that after that three day period, food becomes more sweet. 

Starting on day four, you can add one apple and one dairy (full-fat and unsweetened) product each day. You can also start eating vegetables like carrots, snow peas and one serving of high-fiber crackers. Three glasses of wine are also allowed that first week. Further information for weeks two, three and four are included in the CNN article if you would like to learn more about the specifics of Alpert’s sugar detox program. In 80 participants, in 31 days on the program they lost between 5-20 pounds. Other reported changes included brighter eyes, better skin, less dark circles, increased energy and decreased mood swings. When choosing what days to start the detox, choose days that may be conducive to potential withdrawal symptoms that may occur such as fatigue, crankiness and brain fog. If you truly start to feel poorly, Alpert states you can have a piece of fruit but it is best to power through and drink water in order to stop sugar addiction. This particular detox plan may not be appropriate for athletes, diabetics, pregnant women or anyone taking medications to control blood sugar. It can be beneficial to have a friend to rely on for support during this time. To find out more ways to keep yourself healthy, please visit our website at