Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cell Phone Use

Amanda Macmillan writes in her article titled, “Cell Phone Radiation May be Dangerous, California Health Officials Warn”, about the potential long-term harm that cell phones may cause. It is still unknown if the electromagnetic radiation that cell phones emit when they receive signals from towers or even WiFi devices could cause long-term damage. The California Department of Public Health has given some guidelines on how to reduce possible exposure of this electromagnetic radiation. Some of the health concerns with cell phone use include cancer risks, tumors in the salivary gland and acoustic nerve, lower sperm counts, headaches, and difficulties with learning, memory, hearing, behavior, and sleep. There have not been definite studies that directly link these health risks with radio frequency energy, which is the type of radiation that is emitted when cell phones are used, but the guidelines laid out by the California Department of Public Health can aid those who are looking to lower this possible risk. 

One of the guidelines suggested is to keep cell phones away from your body when they are not being used. Some suggestions include putting cell phones in a purse or backpack rather than your pocket or keeping phones away from you while sleeping. Headphones, headsets, or speakerphone rather than holding a phone next to your head may be helpful for reducing radiation. When cell phone signals are particularly weak for example when using buses or trains, or when streaming audio or videos, it is best to limit cell phone use. When signals are low, they can cause cell phones to emit higher levels of radio frequency energy. WiFi or Bluetooth devices connected to phones can also emit radio frequency energy. 

There are some devices out on the market that are specifically used to block radio frequency energy but the U.S. Federal Trade Commission states that these devices aren’t necessarily helpful and may even cause an increase in radio frequency energy because the phone is trying to work harder. Children are being exposed to cell phone use at an earlier age, 10 is now the most common age for children to get a phone. Studies have suggested that children being exposed to cell phones may experience hearing loss, possible ringing in ears, headaches, and overall decreased well-being. Cell phone radiation is identified as a possible carcinogen by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. In Italy, a man won a case that suggested his development of a brain tumor was due to his cell phone use for work over 15 years. Although there is possible risk with cell phone use, they can be beneficial in certain situations, particularly during emergencies according to the CDC. More research needs to be completed to determine the long-term safety of cell phones.

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