Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Stop Back Pain Before it Starts

Stop Back Pain Before it Starts

Sit Correctly

Have a chair that supports your back so its curved like an S and not a C.  Also, every once in a while get up and walk around to take some stress off your back.

Stand Tall

Your ears, shoulders, hips, and knees should all stack up along a line that you imagine going down through your body from the ceiling.  Your head should stack directly atop your neck.

Wear Soft Soles

When your foot strikes concrete, it jars the bones and muscles in your low back.  Make sure your shoes (or your home wear slippers or flip-flops) have soft soles to help lesson this impact.

Don't Smoke

In a 2010 review of 40 studies, it was found that smokers have more low back pain than non-smokers.  This can possibly be due to smoking reducing blood flow to the spine.

Learn How to Life

Lift with your legs, not your back!  Proper lifting can greatly reduce the chances of having acute low back pain.

Downsize your Pillows

Sleeping with too many pillows under your neck can strain your postural muscles.  Having fewer pillows can help keep the spine aligned and reduce the stretch put on your muscles while you sleep!

Original Article: