Thursday, August 6, 2015

Strength Training is Good for Bones

There are many studies that support the benefits of strength training, especially for women! Many women fear of bulking up and looking to much like a football linebacker, but this is extremely rare. According to Prevention fitness expert Chris Freytag, "Ladies have too much estrogen in their hormonal makeup."  Here are nine reasons why women should strength train at least two to three times a week:
  1.  Metabolism: when doing weight-bearing exercises, your metabolism starts running and keeps burning hours after your workout.
  2.  Burn Fat: Muscle tissue is more "active than fat tissue. Each pound of muscle burns about 30 calories a day to sustain itself.
  3. Tighter Body: Weights sculpt your body creating definition.
  4. Fit into your Clothes Better: Muscle takes up less space than fat, your body will look less bulky and more lean.
  5. Reduce the risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes: "Muscle helps remove glucose and triglycerides from the bloodstream, which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as hardening of the arteries," says Timothy Church, MD, PhD, a preventive medicine expert at Pennington Biomedical Research Center.
  6. Blood Pressure Could Drop: William Haskell, PhD, says "Strength training lowers blood pressure for ten to twelve hours after each session, which gives the heart a break."
  7. Easy to do; anywhere: It is easy to do strength training at home with little equipment. Use your own bodyweight to do pushups, planks, squats, and pull-ups to tone and strengthen your entire body.
  8. Burn tons of Calories: Plyometric strength moves skyrocket your heart rate and in turn boosts the calorie burn of regular strength training routines. Work in squat jumps and burpees into your routine to help boost your calorie burn.
  9. Good for your Bones: Strength training is one of the best ways to break-proof your bones; it helps counteract age-related bone loss.

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